Pugin 2.0 Node Installation - Node Operators

  1. Login as root to your new VPS
  2. Update the system and add base packages before executing the below command on the root terminal.
  3. Allow permissions on the below ports. sudo ufw allow 6688 ,sudo ufw allow 6689
  4. Create a new admin user account
  5. Now open a new terminal session to your VPS and logon with your new admin user account and complete the rest of the steps. 
  6. git clone https://github.com/GoPlugin/pluginV2Install.git
  7. cd pluginV2Install
  8. chmod +x *.sh
  9. ./pli_node_scripts.sh mainnet
  10. Run the following commands
    1. source ~/.profile
    2. pm2 status
    3. pm2 log [id]
  11. Login to the node UI with the credentials from pluginV2/apicredentials.txt
  12. Go to the keys section and fetch the node address & fund it with 1 XDC and 1 PLI.

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