Pugin 2.0 Node Installation - Node Operators
- Login as root to your new VPS
- Update the system and add base packages before executing the below command on the root terminal.
- Allow permissions on the below ports. sudo ufw allow 6688 ,sudo ufw allow 6689
- Create a new admin user account
- Now open a new terminal session to your VPS and logon with your new admin user account and complete the rest of the steps.
- git clone https://github.com/GoPlugin/pluginV2Install.git
- cd pluginV2Install
- chmod +x *.sh
- ./pli_node_scripts.sh mainnet
- Run the following commands
- source ~/.profile
- pm2 status
- pm2 log [id]
- Login to the node UI with the credentials from pluginV2/apicredentials.txt
- Go to the keys section and fetch the node address & fund it with 1 XDC and 1 PLI.
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