
How long does it take for unstaked WFN tokens to be available in my wallet?

It may vary depending on network congestion and other factors. Typically, it can take a few seconds to minutes.

General FAQs
A minimum amount of tokens required to unstake for a WFN Node?

No, when you un-stake, the entire tokens staked will be returned to your wallet.

General FAQs
Can I delegate my WFN unstaking process to someone else?

No, only the concerned node operators should be able to perform this unstaking process. No delegation is allowed.

General FAQs
Will I still receive rewards for the period between unstaking and withdrawing from the WFN Node?

No, you’ll not receive rewards once the node is unlocked.

General FAQs
Can I track the status of my WFN unstaking request?

Yes, you can track the status of your unstaking request through the WFN dashboard.

General FAQs
OCR Setup for Validators

OCR configuration, currently is specific for validators involved in participating in the Oracle price feeds.

Plugin 2.0
VRF Introduction

In the Plugin ecosystem, VRF requests are financed through subscription accounts.

Plugin 2.0
Guidance on Utilizing Random Values

This guide elucidates the process of obtaining random values utilizing a straightforward contract to solicit and obtain random values from Plugin VRF Subscription Model

Plugin 2.0
Plugin Validators - Creation and Deployment of VRF-Consumer Contract

The contract incorporates preconfigured values for requisite request parameters.

Plugin 2.0
Plugin Validators - Requesting Random Values

The deployed contract sends requests for random values to Plugin VRF.

Plugin 2.0

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