
Investors: How to sell my Security Tokens ?

EquitEdge provides a secondary sale marketplace for the investors to sell their Security tokens

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Investors: Can I transfer my ownership to another person ?

Transfer of ownership is currently restricted

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Investors: Is there a lock-in period for investments?

Yes, there is a lock-in period of minimum 1 year and in some cases it is decided by the property owner.

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Investors: As an investor, Can i also place my property for fractional investment in EquitEdge ?

Yes, provided you go through the formalities to become a property owner in the platform and the property clears the legal checks.

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Investors: Is there a minimum and Maximum investment amount for a property ?

The Minimum and maximum investment amounts are decided on a case by case basis

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Investors: Who will maintain the properties that I invested in ?

Each property will have a property manager who will maintain the property

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Investors: What is a Special Purpose Vehicle(SPV) ?

Shares of an Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that will own the title deed to the subject property

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Investors: What happens at the end of the Investment Term?

At the end of the Investment Term, you and all investors have the opportunity to vote on whether to sell the property or hold for another 12 months

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Can I put my property for fractional investment ?


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What is the procedure to put my property for fractional investment ?

Check out the process of property listing in EquitEdge in the description.

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